Inspiration, motivation, lives of others and how they are living their passion, finding happiness, reviewing others motivation, building the life you want, simple mind exercises, Milwaukee Events and Networking Opportunities.
Presentation Schedule: 5:15-5:45 Discover Body Talk Dr. Joanne Aponte
5:30-6:00 Transmission Meditation Tess Reiss
5:55-6:25 Publishing in the Digital Age Kira Henschel
6:15-6:45 A Good Look in the Mirror Jodie Niles
6:30-6:45 Etiquette Matters Lorielle Stuart
6:55-7:25 11.11.11 Meditation: Merging Masculine & Feminine Patricia Lawn
7:00-7:30 Bartholomew Channeling Kristina Bloom
7:30-8:00 Becoming One with Animal Energy Tresa Laferty
7:45-8:15 Law of Attraction and Your Health Dr. John & Betsy Hicks
8:15-8:45 Release 1/2 lb a day Tally Hayden
8:30-9:00 Tantra, Shamanism, and Spiritual Awakening Peter Ross Voigt
9:15-10:15 Higher Brain Living Dr. Drew Neville
10:50-11:15 11:11 Group Meditation Peter Ross Voigt
Remote viewing is a mental faculty that allows a perceiver (a "viewer") to describe or give details about a target that is inaccessible to normal senses due to distance, time, or shielding. For example, a viewer might be asked to describe a location on the other side of the world, which he or she has never visited; or a viewer might describe an event that happened long ago; or describe an object sealed in a container or locked in a room; or perhaps even describe a person or an activity; all without being told anything about the target -- not even its name or designation.
From this explanation, it is obvious that remote viewing is related to so-called psi (also known as "psychic" or "parapsychological") phenomena such as clairvoyance or telepathy. Whatever it is that seems to make it possible for human beings to do remote viewing is probably the same underlying ability that makes such things as clairvoyance work. But remote viewing (or "RV") differs from other, more traditional parapsychological activities in a number of ways:
Mel Riley -
Former military remote viewer Mel Riley is an Army Sergeant who retired from the military in 1991
Mel's original assignment in the military was that of an imagery interpreter. He was identified as perfect for the program, and became the U.S. Government's first official remote viewer.
Learn about RIS (Remote Influencing) by doing it at this workshop to predict the future. Meet Melvin C. ‘Mel’ Riley, First Sergeant, US Army (ret). He is a highly decorated Stargate remote viewing vet and is distinguished as the only viewer to have served twice in the psychic spying unit’s 18 ½ year history from1978 to 1981 and again from 1986 to1990, when he retired. He was chosen as one of a group of six out of 3,000 interviewed for the program and became one of the first three full timers. As such, he performed the unit’s first remote viewing session at Ft. Meade, MD, in 1978.Remote Viewing with Melvin C. Riley
Marty holds a B.A. and M.S. in physics from University of California at Los Angeles. He is now President of PIA (Physics Intuition Applications Corporation) and he writes the online magazine, "Connections Through Time".
The approach is to combine Remote Viewing (RV) before the game with RIS after the game. RIS, as applied in this workshop, is a form of RV. RV is a natural human capability that was successfully applied in many ways by the intelligence community and military for over 30 years, including applications involving predicting the future - precognition.
Saturday 9am to 9pm
Open discussions with Mel and Marty at end of each segment
9 am Intros, Background, Bi-Location, Mind and Consciousness
10am Remote Viewing Session #1
11am RV Session #2
Noon - Lunch
2pm Prediction using Analysis/Judging for Soccer Game
3pm Consciousness, Time, Spirit, and Remote Influencing yourSelf
4pm Open Discussions with Mel and Marty on RV and RIS
5pm Feedback Session #1 after Game Outcome: PhotoSite
6pm Dinner
8pm Feedback Session #2: WildCard
9pm End and Informal Free Time Discussions
--------- DAY 2 ----------
Sunday 9am to 6pm
9am RV, RIS, Science, and Consciousness
10am Remote Viewing Session #3
11am RV Session #4
Noon - Prediction using Analysis/Judging for Football Game
1pm Lunch
3pm Feedback Session #3 after Game Outcome: PhotoSite
4pm Feedback Session #4: WildCard
5pm How to Continue Your RV and RIS Journey, Wrap-up, Open Discussion
6pm End of Workshop
Learn about RIS (Remote Influencing) by doing it at this workshop to predict the future. The approach is to combine Remote Viewing (RV) before the game with RIS after the game. RIS, as applied in this workshop, is a form of RV. RV is a natural human capability that was successfully applied in many ways by the intelligence community and military for over 30 years, including applications involving predicting the future - precognition. RV/RIS is related to bilocation* and quantum entanglement.
For example, Mel has had many bilocation experiences where he feels, in almost every way, that he is at another location and time. The experiences are apparently so real that he has been observed by others, in their location/time. While bilocation is relatively rare, this phenomenon serves as a dramatic example of a "handshake" through space/time where information is consciously entangled.
RV/RIS is all about improving the accuracy and reliability of RV transcripts. RIS can improve RV reliability by influencing, by sharing information with, the RV transcript based on the truth known after the game outcome. Mel and Marty believe that one's individual spirit is at the core of each of our journeys. And at the same time, the spirit of each of those around us are to be honored ... the self and the group. There is great power and potential in this reality, and so the RV/RIS protocol involves two independent targets for predicting the outcome of one game. One target is for the group, and the other target is a WildCard for you! Come to the workshop to learn, discuss, and do, RV/RIS with Mel and Marty.
We don't have all the answers. This is a true workshop where we will all be able to discuss, explore and improve our knowledge and appreciation of RV, RIS and precognition.
Mel, Marty and each participant will predict the outcome of two games (one on Saturday and one on Sunday), leaving lots of time to discuss these fascinating, fun, and important phenomena. A take-away from this workshop will be a methodology, a protocol, for continuing to improve your RV/RIS ability in a self-actualizing fashion. Combine that with working with Mel and Marty, and you have a unique workshop opportunity. Monroe Institute
Life is like an Ocean, the beauty of the water and the waves can be tranquil, the massive force of the water can be beautiful and forceful.
Imagine walking along a sandy, soft, soothing path……….Pause
The sun is shining and it is the perfect temperature for you……… pause
As you walk along this path your hearing the softness of the waves rolling over the rocks. This sooths you and helps you to relax and release any anxiety you may have……pause
You smell the most refreshing smell that appeals to you ……….pause
You are beginning to see a vast ocean front. Watching the body of water encompass the mass of earth knowing there is so much life within. Knowing the life within is filling up all of your senses with pleasure.
You are amazed at the beauty before your eyes………pause
Amazing you the viewer of its beauty and potential for destruction knowing it can intimidate one by its power, or its power can provide energy and abundance to those that choose to use it for that purpose.
Nourishing our senses so completely, nourishing our mind with the picturesque beauty, nourishing our body with the vast plentiful healthy food.
Knowing of all of the unknowns that the ocean provides it is similar to our own unknowns of our lives. Allowing the opportunity for us to expand and see so many new experiences. Experiences that will help us to grow and stretch as the waves grow and stretch across the ocean.
You now have a small pipe in your hand, you gently lay the pipe in the sand where the water can touch it as the water touches the pipe you see the pipe grow into a large pipeline, the pipeline goes from you to the ocean, it is filled with abundance for you!
The passion of the ocean moves the water in the direction it so desires, as we can move our passion in our own life as we desire. Walking in our passion, working in our passion, loving our work knowing it is the passion that drives us.
We are always on the destiny to learn more to see more to know more knowing as the ocean is always destined to have life live in it, have water flow through and around it. We are ever flowing with the energy of the universe, aligning ourselves with the positive energies, positive people to allow us to have ease in living.
Filled with the joy and love, abundance, prosperity, success as the sun sets with its beautiful array of picturesque colors. Feeling filled with life, satisfied and inspired to rest knowing your day is complete, knowing your passion is a pipeline of your life.