Yesterday we talked about Nick Rosencutter and his passion and I showed you a tour of his website and all of the items that he surrounds himself with living in his passion.
Today I am inspired to add a man named Mike Dooley, formerly an international tax accountant turned entrepreneur turned writer for "the Universe," MIKE DOOLEY lives in Orlando. Florida, where he runs Tut's Adventurers Club and sends his notes from the Universe to hundreds of thousands of email subscribers each weekday. As the New York Times bestselling author of Infinite Possibilities and a featured teacher in The Secret book and DVD, Dooley is actively using the concepts and principles he expounds upon to travel the world, speaking on life, dreams, and happiness.
"Taken from Manifesting Change It Couldn't be Easier" Author Mike Dooley

This is today's note from the Universe, written by Mike Dooley and delivered into my email box bright and early in the morning to start my day!
One of the greatest things about finally reaching the "top of the mountain," Vera - gazing about at the magnificence of life through tears of joy, thoroughly understanding every inch of your climb and its many unexpected setbacks, and grasping the dazzling perfection of it all - is looking back down at those still climbing (no, not what you're thinking, there's more...), still struggling, still lost and confused, and realizing with absolute certainty that they, too, will reach the top, in just a whisper of time.
Thank heavens,
The Universe
Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© ®
I invite you to take a look at Mike Dooley's website and see how this man is living his passion. You may even want to sign up for the free daily, Notes from the Universe!
TUT's Adventure Club
The ending for my note from the Universe was:
Vera, you're such a lover.
How Awesome is that!
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