Monday, March 7, 2011

Inspiration the Mind, Mirror, What?

Inspiration, what inspires people into action? Is it their mind set or is it their energy level? Mindset, how do you take yourself from a mindset of blah to one of excitement and happiness? How can you change your energy level?

Try this little fun - Corny exercise: takes less than a minute - you may be surprised!

1.  Take a sheet of paper

2.  How do you feel right now? "Indifferent, relaxed, complacent, sad, happy, etc." Write down the word or words on how you feel.

3.  Now where ever in your home you have a mirror large preferable, Bathroom, Bedroom or a hand held mirror will work. Go to the mirror stand in front of it, or hold it so you can see your eyes.

4.  Look you in the eyes and say out loud, “I Love You" how does that feel, a little Corny, Awkward, Silly .............Good that is what you should feel at first!

 5.  Now still looking in the mirror in your eyes say 

"I love you", "I Love you", "I Love you",

Then “I Like Myself”, “I Like Myself", "I Like Myself",

Then “I feel Terrific". I feel Terrific". "I Feel Terrific"

How do you feel?  
If you are feeling a little better then repeat this 2 or 3 times till you feel really good!

6.  How does your mind feel now? Write down how you feel.

7.  Do you feel the shift in your energy level, your mindset?

Great Song to listen to for a gentle reminder:

It is so important for you to love yourself and be kind to yourself! 
If you feel inspired you can create a little song to sing to yourself that goes, I like myself, I love myself, I feel terrific

Don't be surprised if you pass a mirror today and start to chuckle.....laughter is good for you~!

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